Elevation Video Series
We hope these videos help YOU discover YOUR purpose.
A Purpose by Design is excited to introduce our new Elevation Video Series. The purpose of the Elevation Series is to provide nuggets of wisdom and encouragement for the purpose of engaging, connecting and teaching. Through these videos, we will be able to continue to support our PBD participants and expand our reach to other young women at a global level. Videos will address goal setting, mindset, womanhood, self care, and other important topics.
We hope these videos help YOU discover YOUR purpose.
Courage Over Fear of Rejection
“Girl, do it afraid.” Revella Daniel opens up about how her faith has taught her to choose courage over fear. Courage doesn’t mean there isn’t fear, it means you’re wiling to take the risk, and move forward.
Let’s get organized!
Did you know that by staying organized, you can increase your productivity? By keeping organized, you will save time looking for things and will have more time to work on important tasks. Learn how to build a Kanban Board with Denise Scott, Technology Leader at Allstate and A Purpose by Design Volunteer.
Free Branding & Marketing Tools
Free branding and marketing tools are at your finger tips! Erin Hennessy, Marketing Director at The Will Group, shows you SquareSpace and Canva tips and tricks you can start using today!
Why Thinking You're Ugly Is BAD For You
PBD Founder, Tanya Davis reminds us to love the skin we are in, and to walk in our purpose. "If you are content to simply be yourself, you become more than yourself." Luke 18: 9-14.
The Fine Art of Tenacity
Why is tenacity so important? Roberta Baskin reminds us that great leaders aren't just tenacious - they are tenacious for something. Her commitment to a cause helps her look beyond an obstacle and treat it as an opportunity to improve.
Know Your “Why”…
Your “Why” is a statement of purpose that describes why you do the work you do and why you live the lifestyle you do. It is your calling. It is your conviction. It is your mission statement. It is a vision of your life and work. Marketing and Brand Strategist, Brittany Applegate shows us how!
Authentic Connections
Dr. Anne Murray Allen teaches us about the importance of authentic relationships, and the powerful way they bring joy to our lives. Relationships being more joy to our lives than circumstances and things. In fact, relationships are what get us through hard circumstances and help us celebrate the good ones.
Sharing Your Value
Marketing and Brand Strategist, Brittany Applegate is back sharing more of her personal branding expertise. Brittany says, value is created at the intersection of what you're naturally good at and where the needs of your target audience intersect. What’s your value?
Financial Empowerment
Vanessa Stang, Vice President & Branch Manager at Wheaton Bank & Trust, believes that liberty for a woman comes from the ability to make financial decisions herself. Vanessa has been a volunteer for PBD for several years, and teaches us how to match our finances with our life’s purpose.
Forget Fear. Be Grateful.
Sara Heppner’s passion for creative communication comes from a lifetime of formal artistic training, deep listening and belief in the need for connection. Founded in 1992, her company, Saragrafix, launched as a graphic design studio.
Later, Sara embraced mural design to satisfy her creative hunger and merged her varied experience into graphic facilitation in 2004. As a graphic recorder and facilitator, Sara captures the essence of group dialogue in a highly visual format thereby enhancing communication, inspiring creativity and enabling co-creation.
She teaches us how to overcome fear and how to find delight in every day.
Why is Social Justice Important?
As a woman of faith, Gail Krahenbuhl derives her motivation for social justice from scripture. Social justice promotes fairness and equity across many aspects of society. For example, it promotes equal economic, educational and workplace opportunities. It's also important to the safety and security of individuals and communities.
The Four Agreements.
Denise Dean discusses The Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable With Your Word.
Don't Take Anything Personally.
Don't Make Assumptions.
Always Do Your Best.
Compound Interest.
When you deposit money in a savings account or a similar account, you'll usually receive interest based on the amount that you deposited. For example, if you deposit $1,000 in an account that pays 1 percent annual interest, you'd get $10 in interest after a year. Compound interest is interest that you earn on interest. Stacy J. Miller, CFP, Bright Investments, LLC discusses compound interest.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
- Maya Angelou